Get ready for the cold temperatures with our winter products!
With increasingly colder temperatures it is time to make your car winterproof! In addition to the matching tires, the anti-disk protection is very important.
Now available for the winter season, nextzett AntiFrost Plus concentrate -60 ° C, a special product that cleans reliably soiled windshields. This means a faster, clearer view and therefore safety. It also protects against rapid re-frosting at low temperatures and high humidity. The raw materials contained in the formulation form a transparent clear protective film on the windshield, which prevents re-frosting. Nextzett AntiFrost Plus Concentrate -60 ° C does not have any stress corrosion cracking on headlamp washers and is suitable for all fan nozzles on the market. This ensures a safe and optimal functioning in all weather conditions.
To shorten the scratching at morning, we recommend our tried and tested nextzett Eistau, a ready-to-use de-icer. Our Eistau, with original recipe, is now available with an improved spray head. During the spray process, less product is sprayed extremely finely. This leads to a very economical application and the fine sprinkler, almost aerosol-like, adheres better to the ice. The product does not simply run off, but tumes effectively and quickly. Super effect with minimum consumption! This ensures that iced-up windscreens are reliably free from ice. Eistau also leaves behind a protective film which prevents the water from being re-freezed. No more tedious scratching. Simply spray on, let absorb for a short time, done.